• Uganda Ministry

    Our Purpose

    To partner with our sister church in Bwaise, Uganda to provide a quality christian education to children who otherwise would not have this opportunity. We take a holistic approach in ministering to the child which impacts the family and ultimately the community.



    • We have built a nursery/primary school, currently attended by 380 children
    • Through the sponsorship program we are supporting 195 children's education
    • We support the baseball/softball teams
    • Currently, we are raising money to build a much needed secondary school
    Spiritual Development
    • Sponsored children are required to attend Bible class on Saturdays. They are taught christian morals and values in their classrooms
    • The Food Fund allows us to provide a hot meal to every child daily. This meal may be the only food some children have for the entire day
    Our team travels to Uganda to encourage and work with the Life Care School and church teams on construction projects, home visits, Bible studies, field trips, puppets and many other projects