Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Our Mission, Values, and Visions
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,..." (Matthew 28:19)
Our Mission Gives Us Purpose
To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World!
Our Shared Values Inform Our Vision
The traditional values of the Christian faith are Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Service, and Evangelism. The people of Christ Community UMC Connect through Worship and Fellowship, Commit through Discipleship and Service, and Create opportunities for Evangelism.
Our Vision Equips Us for Our Mission
Connect with God and Each Other
Commit to Growing in the way of Jesus Christ
Create Opportunities for Others to Know God's love.
© 2022