• Sunday School

    Sundays at 9:45am

    Adult Sunday School Opportunities

    Adult Sunday School offers a supportive community where people can grow in their faith, knowledge of the Bible, and love of God. We believe that Sunday School for adults helps to form men and women as Christian disciples by studying scripture, sharing fellowship with other believers, caring for and nurturing class members, and serving those in need. Visitors are always welcome.


    Current Studies
    Location: Agape Classroom

    Studying: "The God You May Not Know" by Dr. David Jeremiah


    Location: Multipurpose Classroom

    Studying: The Sermon on the Mount

    Lead By: Deb McCahan


    Location: Hallway Classroom

    Studying: Exekiel

    Lead By: Jeff Carter


    Location: Sanctuary Classroom

    Studying: New Topics Every Week

    Lead By: Young Adults, open to all ages

    Youth Sunday School Opportunities

    Youth Sunday School offers a supportive community where people can grow in their faith, knowledge of the Bible, and love of God. We believe that Sunday School for Youth helps to form men and women as Christian disciples by studying scripture, sharing fellowship with other believers, caring for and nurturing class members, and serving those in need. Visitors are always welcome.


    Current Studies
    Location: Youth Room


    Children Sunday School Opportunities

    Sunday school is available for children of all ages.


    Current Studies
    Location: Preschool Wing
