Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Christ Community United Methodist Church
- Susquehanna Valley Preschool
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- Susquehanna Valley Preschool

Puppet Ministry
Our Mission
The puppet team's mission is to present God's word in a lively and often humorous format through a variety of puppets and props. We present puppetry to our church family and when time and availability allows, we present within the community and other congregations.
Our Vision
Our vision is to teach children and adults about God's love and the values of a christian life. Adults and children often respond to the message of the puppets, more so than conventional methods.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to present the Gospel of Christ through the use of puppetry, props and songs to audiences young and old.
Contact Info
If you have an interest in joining the puppet team, please contact: Tim Brouse at 570-490-7895 or Donna Prince at 570-541-9813
© 2022