• Mission Central Sojourners Small Group

    Jesus said ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

    Matthew 25:40


    A Hebrew term, sojourner is a person who shares good-will within the community for the betterment of others. As believers, we are called to actively spread God's words and love through christian service to make a positive difference in the world, whether it be our loved ones or to strangers throughout the world.


    Mission Central is located in Mechanicsburg, PA and is a connected ministry of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. It seeks to connect God's people and resources with human need through outreach and disaster response. The large warehouse is a clearing house for many mission-focused ministries.


    Our group travels once a month on a Wednesday to Mission Central to use our skills and talents for a morning and afternoon work session. We might be asked to sort clothing or shoe donation, assemble birthing kits, school kits, hygiene kits, friendship kits, layette kits, homeless shelter kits, flood buckets, medical kits and so much more. Regardless of the task at hand, the volunteers gather and add love to all the projects they are asked to do.


    Maybe you can't spend a week in mission work somewhere in the world, but the reward of the satisfaction knowing that your hands have helped someone in Zimbabwe, Ecuador or Ukraine is truly amazing.


    Consider joining in on a trip to Mission Central by signing up on the bulletin board in the multi-purpose room. You will be blessed as you bless others! Transportation is provided from the church parking lot. Pack and lunch, wear closed-toed shoes and you are set for a day of being the hands and feet of Christ Jesus throughout the local, national and international world.

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