• Christian Classics

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to unite Christians in a monthly social gathering with fun and educational activities.

    Food is always an important part of the gathering, either with a light meal or snacks, following the meeting and activity.

    Some of the activities over the years have included Roll & Bowl (our soup festival), crazy bingo, historical presentations, sing-a-longs, musical entertainment, hobby displays, game nights, veteran salutes, etc

    Our Vision

    We invite all Christians who are 55 years or older to join our group. If a spouse is younger they are welcome also. You need not be a member of Christ Community UMC.


    Our annual dues are $7.50 per person


    We typically meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the CCUMC multi-purpose room. If a meal is planned we meet at 6pm, if no meal, we meet at 7pm. During the meeting we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and take prayer requests.


    We have members who call to remind other members of upcoming meetings.

    Our Purpose

    Our purpose is to promote Christian fellowship, inspiration, friendships and wellness checks for members. We arrange meetings with activities of interest, fun and education to promote a positive way of life and service to others.

    Contact Info

    If you are interested in joining Christian Classics, have any questions, suggestions for activities or programs please contact Martin Weiser: 570-850-9686 or Jane Hawn: 570-495-1456.